How to Build Your Own DNS Sinkhole and DNS Logs Monitoring System
Introduction to Proving Grounds
Playing with Bubbles: An Introduction to DLL-Sideloading
LDAP Queries for Offensive and Defensive Operations
Enhancing Digital Forensics with X-Ways X-Tensions: VirusTotal Plugin
Introducing Hash Exporter for X-Ways: Automate Your Hash Lists
Return to Libc: Linux Exploit Development
How to go Phishing with Gophish
Enhancing Digital Forensics with X-Ways X-Tensions: Metadefender Plugin
Vulnerability Scanners and the SAINT Experience
Weaponizing Windows Binaries and Scripts (LOLBAS): What's Old Is New Again
Automated Obfuscation of Windows Malware and Exploits Using O-LLVM
Using Intezer Analyze to Reveal Malware Ancestry and Assist IR and Forensic Investigations
How to Build Your Own DNS Sinkhole and DNS Logs Monitoring System
BurpSuite Yara Plugin
BurpSuite Yara Plugin